Waverly High School · Lansing, MI
Class of 1968

Our new pages are up now online to tell our own stories, stories about eachother, and especially about our fallen classmates.
Please consider updating your 2003 stories, or if you have never done one please go to our stories page and give us an outline of your life.
You can give as much or as little detail as you want. All of us are interested after 40+ years how our collective classmates have done, good or bad, in these many years.

Stories and Biography pages Now online

Class of 1968 now a Non-Profit Corporation

As of February 10, 2009 our class was incorporated as Waverly68.org Inc.  This will give us perpetuality as an organization.  It also allow for more people to get involved if they like in planning activities, round-housing ideas, and as a class perhaps doing good deeds for the Waverly community.  This will in most all cases, limit any liability to the just assetts of the corporation if we are sued for some reason due to our events or activities.

Right now Pam holds all offices: President, VP, Treasurer and Secretary, but she can appoint any volunteer to hold one or more offices if she choses.  Dave Leisman, Pam, and Chris Nelson are now the directors, but others can be added.  We need to have at least three to conform to Michigan law.  If one of our attorney classmates would like to step forward as a director it would be helpful to keep us on track.

The offices can be turned over to other people should it become necessary without any speed bumps.  It also allows any money collected for  events or other reasons, to be held by the corporation rather than Pam personally so the heaven forbid, anything happens, others can help out.

Anyone want to design a corporate logo? 

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